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npm npm
npm add -D use-yarn (copy) yarn add -D use-yarn (copy)

If running npm install instead of yarn, the process will exit with error code 1 and print an error message.

Note: this will not work if installing specific packages like npm install my-package.

Note: this will not work if used with npm install --save-dev --ignore-scripts.

Note: Use with >= yarn@1 requires >= use-yarn@2.


npm install --save-dev use-yarn (copy) yarn add --dev use-yarn (copy)



For example, in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "preinstall": "use-yarn || ( npm install --no-scripts --no-save use-yarn && use-yarn )"

Or if you’re on npm >=5 or have npx, you can run it by passing $npm_execpath:

  "scripts": {
    "preinstall": "npx use-yarn $npm_execpath"

You may provide a custom message via the -m flag:

  "scripts": {
    "preinstall": "npx use-yarn $npm_execpath -m 'Please use yarn!'"

Or, you may also provide a custom message read from a file via the -f flag:

  "scripts": {
    "preinstall": "npx use-yarn $npm_execpath -f path/to/customMessage.txt"

You may disable use-yarn by setting the DISABLE_USE_YARN environment variable to true.


var useYarn = require("use-yarn");


// or a custom message:
useYarn({ message: "We like npm!" });


If you want to catch missed updates to yarn.lock on CI, try danger-yarn-lock.